FSCJ Students Information Technology Internship Recruitment

FSCJ Students Information Technology Internship Recruitment Wednesday, February 20th
4:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.
South Campus — U135A
Spring 2013
Join us for an exciting networking opportunity. Come “Dressed for Success” and ready to impress.
***Participating Employers***
The H.I.L.L. of Northeast FL. Inc.
Quad Nova Inc.
The City of Jacksonville

Please R.S.V.P to Dr. Robin Cole rocole@fscj.edu
by Noon on February 19, 2013.
To get the most from this event you should:
Bring several copies of your Cover Letter and Resume.
Bring personal business cards.
Bring a folder or notepad to jot down important facts.
South Campus—U-135A
11901 Beach Blvd. Florida

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