Secure Ideas Web Developer-Unpaid

The Secure Ideas Web Developer is primarily responsible for our public-facing web presence. The successful candidate will need to be able to work mostly independently, but will have access to experienced developers for advice and mentoring. The development technology stack is a modern Node.js build pipeline with React/JSX on Next.js. The deployment environment is an Amazon Web Services “serverless” stack, serving the main UI through S3 and CloudFront. AWS Lambda functions and API Gateway provide support for dynamic functionality. The candidate’s responsibilities will encompass all technical parts of the web development process, including:

  • Constructing dynamic site elements as React components written with JSX and Next.js

  • Customizing styling with SASS and Bulma

  • Building API endpoints as AWS Lambda Functions in Node.js

  • Maturing the build tool-chain for long-term maintenance

This is an entry-level position, with more emphasis on the candidate’s ability to learn and to solve problems, than on existing experience. However, it is essential that the candidate have a foundation in basic web markup and a good grasp on JavaScript.

Send letter of inquiry and resume to Sandy

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