2016 Presentations

Student Paper Presentations

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8:45 a.m. Session Panel I: Innovations in Medical Practice and Theory

“Treating Pain with Complimentary Alternative Medicine”
Presenter: Christina Sellers
Mentor: Prof. Susan Poole

“Hypertension in Post-Menopausal Women”
Presenter: Jennifer Rohleder
Mentor: Prof. Susan Poole

“Lowering Blood Pressure among American Women”
Presenter: Annette Sheets
Mentor: Prof. Susan Poole

“Restraints and Seclusion in Psychiatric Nursing Practice”

Presenter: Jessica Gregory
Mentor: Prof. Susan Poole

10:10 a.m. Session Panel II: Public Policies and Public Narratives

“Voter ID Laws are Politically Motivated”
Presenter: Pete Correa
Mentor: Dr. John A. Woodward

“Death with Dignity as Public and Media Representation”
Presenter: Kylie O’Bryant
Mentor: Dr. Paul Hendrickson

“Human Trafficking and Child Sex Slavery in Thailand”
Presenter: Patricia Carolan
Mentor: Dr. Rachelle Wadsworth

Student Poster Presentations

11:30 a.m. Human Service’s Baccalaureate Students

“Epigenetic Applications to the Human Services”
Presenter: Chelsie Williams
Mentor: Dr. Rebecca Ford

“Women Who are HIV Positive or Who Have AIDS in the United States”
Presenter: Nichole Wingfield
Mentor: Dr. Rebecca Ford

Student Paper Presentations

1:00 p.m. Session Panel III: Wonders of Science and Human Antiquities

“Spherical Waves”
Presenter: Joshua Champion
Mentor: Dr. Carl Colavito

“Demonstrating The Effectiveness of Bee Propolis for
Antibacterial Properties in Varying Concentrations

Presenter: Marjorie Dickinson
Mentor: Prof. Ryan Sessions

“Japanese Tattooing: The History”
Presenter: Kyle Capalungan
Mentor: Dr. Rachelle Wadsworth

“Human Remains Located in the Casas Grandes Region”
Presenter: Sheridan Austad
Mentor: Dr. Gordon Rakita, UNF

2:30 p.m. Session Panel IV: History and Artistic Styles

“Murder, Intrigue and Obsession: Criminology in Victorian England”
Presenter: Elizabeth Sconyers
Mentor: Dr. Maureen McCormick

“Gay Serial Killers: How Sociology and Psychology
Created a Phenomenon that Changed the Profile We Understood”

Presenter: Ashley Torres
Mentor: Dr. John A. Woodward

“The Business of Selling Human Asian Hair
in the African American Community”

Presenter: Tiffany Adams
Mentor: Dr. Rachelle Wadsworth

“19th Century Romanticism: Romanticism and
the Rise of the Imagination in the Arts”

Presenter: Tommy Weber
Mentor: Dr. John A. Woodward