Call for FSCJ Student Papers and Posters

Welcome back to school for our FSCJ students and faculty! As we prepare for the Spring Term, you are encouraged to participate in the 3rd Annual FSCJ Student Research Conference – Developing Communities: Exploring, Writing, Living – on April 14, 2017, at Deerwood Center. In order to participate, students must submit an abstract of their original research to be reviewed by the Faculty Committee. Students can find more information about submitting an abstract here. Scholarly work can be presented in either a paper presentation facilitated by faculty moderators or in a poster session. The deadline for submissions is January 17, 2017, to allow for drafting and linking students with mentors. Final acceptance for late submissions is February 16, 2017, so submit your abstracts soon!

Submit an abstract

We are also seeking faculty of all disciplines to serve as mentors to students selected to present at the conference. If you are interested in becoming a Faculty Mentor, please visit the Faculty Mentor page for more information.

Good luck with the Spring Term, and we look forward to seeing you all at the 2017 FSCJ Student Research Conference!