2017 Presentations

Student Paper Presentations

8:30- 9:50 a.m. Session Panel I: Culture, Communication, Identity

“Technology and Physiology: Examining How Psychology and Culture Affect How We Relate to Humanoid Objects”
Presenter: Christian Lockley

“The Role of Women: Laws, Traditions, Culture”
Presenter: Dhaima Gray
Mentor: John Woodward

“Living the Dystopia:‘Fake News,’ Whistle-Blowers, and New Media Influence on American Democracy” (Video not available)
Presenter: Tatiana Rocha

“The Renewed Search for an Ancient Fort”
Presenter: Eric Mongar

10:00- 11:00a.m. Session Panel II: Social Contract and Medicine

“Financial Abuse of the Elderly”  (Video not available)
Presenter: Diann Hall
Mentor: Rebecca Ford

“Paternal Income and the Impact of Educational Attainment”
Presenter: Leanna Vannienwenhove

“Classical Conditioning as Behavior Therapy in Onychotillomania”
Presenter: Walter Morris
Mentor: Nobuko Mizoguchi

1:30- 2:30 p.m. Session Panel III: Therapy and Data

“Family-centered Care and Neurobehavioral Interventions for Premature Infants”
Presenter: Christy Curtiss

“The Therapeutic Use of Art Therapy in Mental Health”
Presenter: Keith Riggs
Mentor: Susan Poole

“Term Newborn Thermoregulation…”
Presenter: Louise Madden
Mentor: Susan Poole

“Using Music to Prevent and Treat Delirium in a Hospital Setting”
Presenter: DeeDee Love

2:45- 4p.m. Session Panel IV: Analysis of System, Safety, and Security

“An Inquiry and Analysis of Residential Drug Treatment…” (Video not available)
Presenter: Rachel Allen

“Food and Health Difficulties in Duval County by Age”
Presenter: Kylie Rooff and Hannah Pope

“Impact of Global Positioning Systems on Aviation Safety”
Presenter: William Dando
Mentor: Donald Coy

“The Forensics of Fire and Fauna”
Presenter: Sheridan Austad
Mentor: Dr. Rakita