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Submission Deadlines: December 1, 2018 — Draft February 1, 2019 — Final Deadline For general Information, contact John Woodward at (904) 997-2903 or
Submission Deadlines: December 1, 2018 — Draft February 1, 2019 — Final Deadline For general Information, contact John Woodward at (904) 997-2903 or
Developing Communities: Exploring, Writing, Living. A passion for inquiry is a lifelong mission. That’s why FSCJ looks to its students to present their research publicly—to share their passion for exploring, writing, and ultimately living the ideas they care about, and so enriching and developing the communities that make us who …
Faculty Mentor: Department of Microbiology and Cell Science, University of Florida, Space Life Sciences Lab, Merritt Island, FL Microgravity is known to affect bacteria physiologically as well as induce changes in gene regulation. The effects of microgravity on pathogenic bacteria has been widely studied; however, little is known about beneficial …
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are a topic of great controversy in modern society. The focus of the polemical debate normally centers upon human consumption of GMOs, but there are many uses and areas of study that are currently being explored by scientists around the world. Florida has recently been …
Presenter: Joshua Champion Energy is seen everywhere, and is described scientifically as “the ability to do work”. This definition works well for most, if not all, cases concerning energy and its interaction with everyday lives. Energy is commonly measured as Joules or the Newton Meter, although simple and reasonable …
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rebecca Reeder Gentrification, while beneficial to some, can damage the lives of both lower income people and ethnic minorities. This paper aims to discuss the failures of the organic food movement, the use of health food as a status symbol, and the damage that is done …
This paper offers insight pertaining to the effects, both the positives and negatives, of standardized testing in education. Following the recent reform in education, through programs such as America’s Choice and Common Core, the emphasis on standardized testing has shown a devaluation in the higher level students and an …
The significant goal of this paper will be to explore and discuss the positive and negative effects of labeling learning disabled students in the public school systems. This paper will bring to light the benefits associated with labeling. More specifically the parent/teacher expectations, mainstreaming, (IEP) Individualized Education Plan, and …
Mentor: Emily Jane Murray, Florida Public Archaeology Network This abstract examines the remains and artifacts of ancient Floridians found at the bottom of Windover Pond located in Brevard County, close to Titusville, Florida. In 1984, well preserved human remains were found that dated back 7,000 years ago. The lack …
Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Arrington Woodward, PhD The focus of this academic research paper will be on the representation of cannibal murderers and psychopaths through different forms of cultural media and cinematic media. It will focus on how through cinema and media, the narrative of crime has dehumanized the …