Faculty Mentor

Students whose proposals are accepted will be matched with a faculty mentor to guide them through the process. Participating students must be willing to invest time in completing the research and preparing their presentation. We are seeking faculty to serve as mentors to the students interested in presenting at the Student Conference. If you are interested in serving as a faculty mentor for the 2018 Student Research Conference, please email John Woodward (John.A.Woodward@fscj.edu) to be matched with a student in the appropriate discipline.

2018 Faculty Mentors

  • Alisa Aston, Professor of Psychology, FSCJ
  • Pamela Brauda, Professor of Information Technology, FSCJ
  • Ranjan Chhibber, Ph.D., Professor of Humanities, FSCJ
  • Carl Colavito, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, FSCJ
  • Rebecca Ford, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology, FSCJ
  • Paul Hendrickson, Ph.D., Professor of Speech, FSCJ
  • Brian Nail, Ph.D., Professor of English, FSCJ
  • Susan Poole, Professor of Nursing, FSCJ
  • Maureen McCormick, Ph.D., Professor of History, FSCJ
  • Ryan Sessions, Professor of Biology, FSCJ
  • John Vail, Ph.D., Professor of Information Technology, FSCJ
  • Rachelle Wadsworth, Ph.D., Professor of History, FSCJ
  • John A. Woodward, Ph.D., Professor of Humanities, FSCJ