Hybrid Courses:

Hybrid courses for both A.S. and B.A.S class scheduling. You may be asking what is a hybrid course. A traditional course is typically meeting for 16 weeks. Hybrid courses meet half the time in the classroom and half the time online and are scheduled to meet for 8 weeks. This scheduling practice has produced both increased times frames to schedule a growing demand of classes while maintaining an open lab schedule for students to access the tools needed to complete applied projects. In addition hybrid courses have also allowed for students to streamline their courses completing sequential courses in the same semester.   Hybrid courses allow students to complete more courses at one time they still require the same workload and project requirements so we recommend students schedule courses with caution because hybrid courses are faster paced courses with the same requirements as a traditionally scheduled class. These hybrid courses provide students with the opportunity to increase the brevity in which they complete the required program courses. Students have been very resilient in meeting the demands of these hybrid courses and students will expect to see more of these type of courses in the future.

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